国 連

国連 WHOが堆奨 地球環境モニタリングシステム、大気方法論レビュー
   ハンドブックシリーズ Vol.4

PART 4:要約と勧告

8. 勧告

Global Environmental Monitoring System GEMS/AIR


1)数多くの種類の (特にO3-オゾン、SO2-亜硫酸ガス、炭化水素 類など) の受動形サンプラーの開発
  が進んでいるけれども、現在の所、NO2 (二酸化窒素) のみが 日常的使用に推奨できる。

2)特にオゾンの受動形サンプラーは それができれば非常に有用なので日常的な監視に使用できるもの




注 1) 上記の勧告文は、l 994年に出されたものです。
注 2) エコアナライザーNOx・ユニメーターの捕集管のように機械的に吸引しないものを受動形サンプラーといいます。
注 3) 上記訳文は 一部分であり、他の関係部分を現在翻訳中です。




 The report presented here is based on the deliberations of an Expert Working Group convened by
UNEP‐HEM,on behalf of GEMS/AIR,in September 1992.The members of the group are listed in the Acknowledgements.

 In addition to the specific and / or detailed recommendations contained within the text of thispaper,
the working group also made the foIIowing general recommendations:

Passive Samplers

1)At present, although passive samplers for a number of species(in particuIarO3, SO2, HC's)are
weII advanced in their deveIopment, onIy those for NO2 can be recommended for routine use.

2)In particuIar, passive samplers for ozone measurement are potentially very useful and shouId be
deveIoped to the point where they can be applied in routine monitoring.

3)NO2 passive sampIers offer the opportunity to undertake monitoring which cannot be compIeted by
other methods. It is therefore recommended that:

*more widespread use of passive sampIers shouId be adopted.
*passive sampIers should be used to aid site selection for more
sophisticated samplers for regulatory purposes.
*passive samplers be used to monitor personal exposure and indoor air pollution.
*a world-wide survey of urban NO2 concentrations should be undertaken.
*standard procedures and QA samples should be prepared for GEMS/AIR stations.

4)Further deveIopment of passive samplers for gases other than NO2 is needed.

5)The further deveIopment of O3, CO, SO2 and HC samplers should be promoted
toenable their use in a much wider range of environmentaI conditions, and with the
aim of their introduction for routine monitoring purposes.

Active Samplers

6)SO2: SuIphur dioxide specific measurements are recommended. For routine daiIy
sampling,bubblers using diute hydrogen peroxide solution or impregnated filters
should be used with subsequent analysis by the Thorin colorimetric method.
Other SO2 specific measurement techniques are well developed and proven, and
these will also provide useful data.

7)NO2: Bubbler systems using the Griess-Saltzmann(ISO9 or TGS-ANSA)method are
recommended for the routine daily measurement of NO2. Other techniques, based on
the use of thin film or glass filter sampling media, have been developed and used
in some networks. However, these cannot as yet be recommended due to the limited
data on comparison with other technologies and lack of experience with
world - wide application in different types of environments.

8)O3:The NBKI active sampling method cannot be recommended for routine and specific
sampling measurements of ozone. This technique can, however, be more appropriately
used for short-term oxidant investigations.